  • Maventibao is the base for volunteers as this is where the clinic and school is located.
  • This location is a 3 hour taxi brousse south of Diego Saurez (Antisiranana) and a 7 km hike off of the main road.
  • Please contact the Mada Clinics team as early as possible in order to have transportation to the village organized.
  • Learn what it’s like to live a simple life and make a difference by giving back to rural communities.
  • We provide an opportunity for travellers to experience rural Madagascar and help in our health clinic or school (teaching English and French) in any way that you can.
  • Volunteers are based in Maventibao and provide a traveling health care service to nearby villages twice a week (7 kms and 10 kms away).
  • We ask volunteers to stay for a minimum of 2 weeks.
  • Stay in an authentic Madagascar hut with a comfortable bed and full mosquito net. We have 5 huts available with single/double occupancy.
  • All meals are provided by our in house Malagasy cook.
  • Maventibao is the base for volunteers as this is where the clinic and school is located.
  • This location is a 3 hour taxi brousse south of Diego Saurez (Antisiranana) and a 7 km hike off of the main road.
  • Please contact the Mada Clinics team as early as possible in order to have transportation to the village organized.
  • Learn what it’s like to live a simple life and make a difference by giving back to rural communities.
© Copyright 2025, MadaClinics.